Sunday, May 22, 2011

Assignment 1-4 Weekly Analysis 1

During the weekend of May 13-15 it was determined the movie “Thor” was the number one movie in the United States. This was the second weekend the movie obtained the number one slot. Interestingly it beat several new releases to maintain its number once status. There is still a love and fascination surrounding superheroes. The love of superheroes has been constant since the first superhero was introduced in comic books decades ago. As new mediums were created (movies, television, cable, internet) the superheroes has continually been embraced and displayed.

What is the fascination of superheroes that transcends the changes in popular culture? Regardless of how popular culture changes from generation to generation, there is still a need for people to believe that there is someone or thing with superior powers that will use it for the “higher good”. Superheroes represent a mirror of how many people want to be Human and flawed yet more powerful than the enemy. Each generation in popular culture has explored this dynamic and has displayed their interpretation using the most current media.

For example, the evolution of the Batman and his is enemies have changed as popular culture has changed. Batman’s introduction in the comic books detailed the two sides of his character that was created by life experiences. Through the years Batman and his enemy the Joker has been portrayed with a comedic focus on television, a mixture of comedy and seriousness in the movies during the early 1990’s, to a dark and foreboding character in the movie the Dark Knight. The 2008 Dark Knight portrayal of Batman and the Joker garnered an Academy Award for Heath Ledger for his depiction of the Joker in a violent and terrifying way. The move also showed the complexities of Batman in how he was willing to be views as a villain at the end for the common good.

Popular culture has shown it does not tire of the superhero characters. Clearly there is a feeling that there is much more that can be see and learned form these characters. When the latest installment “The Dark Knight Rises” opens in 2012 moviegoers can enjoy another view of their superheroes.

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